Daniel Mitchell

Daniel Mitchell

Calling dotnet core Lambda API direct from PHP

Usually a API Gateway is placed in front of a Lambda to allow HTTP requests to be forwarded to a Lambda function. However even when using the HTTP API this still costs $1 per million invocations. To save costs I have setup the PHP website to call the Lambda function direct. Here is how to call the Lambda function and pass the request


A personal project of mine started in 2013 when my wife and I started learning sign language. An important part of learning any new language is building vocabulary. At the time there was just a handful of sites that provided a video dictionary, but the number of signs they contained was small meaning it often required searches across multiple sites, as each site

Compact or Resize your VHD file

If you are using dynamic disk for your virtual machine you will soon find out how annoying it is when it grows in size, but when removing the files the disk does not shrink back down. VirtualBox provides tools for compacting a vhdi file but not for vhd. Hyper-v claims to be able to compact, but this often does not work and is

Install Windows on a DEDIBOX XC C2750 Avoton at Online.net

May only be an Atom Chip, but with 8 cores clocked at 2.4 GHz it is more than capable as a server. Online.net is offering these with 8GB EEC RAM for just 20 EURO’s a month. Board Information: https://www.supermicro.co.uk/products/motherboard/Atom/X10/A1SA2-2750F.cfm A1SA2-2750F Motherboard from Supermicro However for a budget server, you will

Video in a Video using FFMPEG

Use ffmpeg to overlay a video inside a master video or picture in a picture. This effect can be accomplished using ffmpegs overlay filter command. For this example I use two videos. A master_video.mp4 1920×1080 and a resized smaller_inner_video.mp4 800×450. The two can be combined with the following command: >ffmpeg.exe -i master_video.mp4

Windows 7 Product Key not available

Without a windows 7 product key, windows disables functionality. This could be because of corruption of the license store, or because your current trial of windows has expired. To fix this first recreate license store. Press start, then type cmd. Right click on the application that is found, and select Run As Administrator. Then type net stop sppsvc (this will stop the Software

Run Virtual PC in Windows 8 bypass compatibility assistant

Windows 8 no longer allows Virtual PC 2007 to be installed. Attempts to install Virtual PC 2007 will bring up the Program Compatibility Assistant saying This program has compatibility issues which prevent installation. Virtual PC 2007 has been removed because Windows 8 now comes with its own inbuilt virtualisation software Hyper-V. However this requires your CPU to support SLAT, which many older processors

Display YouTube user avatar profile picture by username

With YouTube there is no easy url you can use like http://youtube.com/images/[username] which can return the users current image. The only way to get the users image is to call one of YouTube api feeds https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/[username] The image url returned is only of the current image, so if the user changes there

Reset Windows 7 Rearm Count

An install of Windows 7 without an activation key allows for 30 days of usage. This can however be extended up to 120 days by using the following slmgr (Software Licensing Management Tool) command to rearm or reset the 30 day trial. slmgr /rearm(Remember to run this command, you must right click on cmd and select “Run as administrator” for this to

Outlook 2007 Prompt for mail account when sending email

Like many people I have my outlook configured with multiple mail accounts, one for personal, one for work and a couple for my freelance work. However when you send an email, Outlook assume you want to send it using your default mail account. This can often mean that you send email using the wrong address which can cause problems. Now, I know you